MTF Consulting


MTF Consulting Services

Management Training & Facilitation consulting was founded by Erin LeBlanc. It specializes in leadership training for both individuals as well as groups and teams. The focus is on authenticity, resilience, and diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. The goal is to increase the effectiveness in leadership by creating a supportive and exciting workplace.

Support for the LGBTQ+ Community

Erin’s story is one of inspiration and hope. Overcoming numerous personal challenges to become the person she is today is nothing short of miraculous. Her never ending passion and determination to live a life of authenticity is truly motivating. An engaging presenter in any fora, and a tireless advocate and educator for the LGBTQ+ community, its allies and the general public, her message will motivate and inspire.

Erin has enjoyed the opportunity to address audiences large and small including Family Medicine Residents, Emergency Room Physicians, Dental Practices, Law firms and other professionals in health care. She provides insights, guidance and proven practices on how to create an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful and supportive form members of the

Her services include:

  • One-on-one coaching

  • Keynote addresses regarding inclusivity and diversity, resilience and authenticity

  • Motivational speaking engagements

  • Seminars on Transgender issues


I Am Not Broken

Response to question during a Q&A session with guests regarding one of my biggest lessons learned from my transition


Address to First Year University Students: Authenticity


Personal Resilience

Video about personal resilience, an excerpt from a recent presentation.


A Conversation with the Author

I share my thoughts on my recent book Stranger in the Mirror: The Search for Me. I am joined by my good friend and Olympian Karen Garossino. I also take questions from the viewing audience.


What People are Saying About her Appearances

-Thank you so much to Erin for providing us with insight from her personal experience of transitioning; it was so helpful to hear her experiences and how she felt going through the process as well as her interactions with the healthcare system (good and bad) -

-Oh my goodness! This was such a helpful talk, having not had much trans health training in med school and my training thus far. The patient's story was incredible moving and so eye-opening to the ways in which we can change our day to day behaviour in order to create a positive environment for ALL of our patients.

- Make it (the session) a day long (instead of 2 hours)

-I got to catch about 30 mins of Erin LeBlanc today. I was so touched and moved by her words. I cannot and never will know the struggles she had succumbed to as a woman. The strength I heard in you today gives me my own sense of power in raising my children in a world where we all should be! I am so looking forward to reading your story. I would love to meet you one day.

-I attended a Finance Staff retreat yesterday where you were one of the guest speakers.  I just wanted to say that I appreciate you sharing your amazing story with our group.  It was incredible to hear what you went through. It moved me.  It invoked in me a roller coaster of emotions. I was sad, angry, horrified but also proud and happy and hopeful.  I was sad, angry and horrified about how you described you felt before transitioning, the suicide rates, peoples treatment of others different from them, obstacles put in the way for no reason whatsoever, all the people out there that are too terrified to move forward, and the lack of information and support.  I am proud that you were not only able to do this for yourself, but speak out, advocate and share your story. I was also happy that you had support from the community specifically from your colleagues you had worked with for so many years. I am hopeful for the future. You said something that really resonated with me and it is true for all regardless of gender, race, sexuality – I just want to live my life and do my job.

-I could listen to Erin talk all day. She has a great delivery style – humourous and fast-paced but tuned to her audience. I found she was very good at making a personal connection.

-Erin is wonderful at what she does, the content and delivery were on point. Well done !

-I just loved Erin, she was knowledgeable, funny and engaging !

-I learned a lot and thought it was a tremendous experience.

-Erin was a brilliant instructor with a distinct ability to connect with her audience. The insight and information she provided was both astute, practical and applicable to our working environment. It was a much-needed learning opportunity for the staff and will undoubtedly contribute to our increased success as an organization

-Erin’s expertise was very evident and a great opening tone for the week. I could have listened to her for weeks on end.

-Erin was fantastic. She delivered content in a very clear and engaging way, and kept us focused throughout. It’s a shame we only have the one session with her this week!

-Erin was actually my favourite presenter. She was engaging and funny and got me to thinking.

-I really enjoyed the presentation and conversation on this topic. I believe it was eye opening for those in the room and an excellent to self reflect on how we all interact with peers.

-Very good speaker, dynamic and knows how to read and present to the audience.